Mark 1:17
“Come follow me,” Jesus told them,“ and I will make you fishers of men.”
Jesus offers a captivating call, inviting them to “follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” He suggests their current activities are good, but there is a higher calling that can lead to true greatness. Jesus encourages them to impact lives, promising that if they bring Him the catch, they will witness transformed lives.
The most dangerous man on earth is the man who has reckoned with his own death. All men die; few men ever really live.

The Man Challenge
No man fails on purpose. And yet, too many men are doing just that—even within the church—and the collateral damage is staggering. But we also recognize that no man succeeds by accident. He needs to know Christ and he needs mature Christian men to walk the path with him, so he can, in turn, walk with and support others. In short, he needs to be called, equipped, and sent. It truly is a battle for men’s souls.
Men are innately built for battle. Rising and conquering these challenges takes know-how *, sturdy battle armor * and men joining together, back-to-back, protecting each other while facing the enemy *
Just as no man succeeds by accident, no worthy endeavor succeeds by accident either. That’s why for every step taken forward an Action Plan is needed to help us intentionally provide a clear discipleship pathway for every man at The Lodge. When men are growing spiritually and relationally, then marriages, families, workplaces, and communities are transformed. It’s clear, discipleship truly changes EVERYTHING.


The Church Challenge
This Sunday, unlike so many Sundays before, he musters up the courage to walk through the church doors. He might get a handshake or a greeting “welcome”, “good to see you”, “thanks for coming” or maybe not. He cautiously navigates his way to the worship center and finds a seat, back row for an easy escape. He stares forward, making no eye contact, for fear one of these crazy Christians are going to talk to him, find him out. The worship begins, hands raised and swaying to the music, a chorus verse is repeated five times in an effort to conjure up an emotional flock awakening.
Next, two lines of kids come down the center aisle dressed as angels, the Pastor blesses them and off they go to the youth area. The lesson begins, the Pastor says turn to Ephesians 6:3, Tom, an asphalt laborer, lawyer, salesman… looks bewildered with this foreign object in his lap, I give him the don’t worry about it wave off. He stairs forward, almost motionless, as he counts the minutes. The service ends in prayer, “go in peace”. He thanks me and off he goes, never to be heard from again. He used all the courage he had to walk through the door that Sunday, motivated by pain, isolation and emptiness, and left disappointed. That went well.


Every man that steps through our doors is part of the leadership team. Whether you hold a door for someone, unload a seniors grocery cart, or shovel a walkway. Or simply greet someone with a smile and hello.
Edgar Guess
I’d rather see a sermon, than hear one any day, I’d rather someone walk with me then merely tell the way, the eye’s a better pupil, more willing than the ear, fine counseling is confusing, but example’s always clear.

Ch.001 - "Mark" | Wild at Heart: The Series
Mark is a man with a wild and untamed heart, a renowned artist from the Welsh countryside, who’s always felt like an outsider. As he steps into his story and faces his past, Mark encounters the wild and fierce love of Jesus, awakening a strength and passion he thought was lost.
Ch.002 - "Pablo" | Wild at Heart: The Series
Pablo, a husband and father, is reflecting on the wreckage of his life, facing the brokenness in his marriage. Journey with him as grace leads him to a deeper understanding of his heart and the fierce battle he must fight for those he loves most.
Leo is a man haunted by the silence left by his father. A basketball coach from Texas, Leo is grappling with the ache of an unanswered question—Why did you leave? In his quest for healing, Leo encounters the Father he’s been longing for, setting him on a path toward redemption and restoration.
Ch.001 - "Mark" | Wild at Heart: The Series
Mark is a man with a wild and untamed heart, a renowned artist from the Welsh countryside, who’s always felt like an outsider. As he steps into his story and faces his past, Mark encounters the wild and fierce love of Jesus, awakening a strength and passion he thought was lost.
Ch.002 - "Pablo" | Wild at Heart: The Series
Pablo, a husband and father, is reflecting on the wreckage of his life, facing the brokenness in his marriage. Journey with him as grace leads him to a deeper understanding of his heart and the fierce battle he must fight for those he loves most.
Leo is a man haunted by the silence left by his father. A basketball coach from Texas, Leo is grappling with the ache of an unanswered question—Why did you leave? In his quest for healing, Leo encounters the Father he’s been longing for, setting him on a path toward redemption and restoration.

Who We Are
We are fishers of men. A Christian men’s group, passionate about serving men in our call of the great commission. Mark 1:17 Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.*

Our Core Values

Our Mission

Our Prayer

What We Believe
When men are growing spiritually and relationally, then marriages, families, workplaces, and communities are transformed.

What We Do
We fish for men, share the gospel of Christ, and help launch them into the church.

What Do We Offer
A Christ centered, Ministry to Men place of worship and get-together. A trusted setting where men gather seeking biblical knowledge and growth in pursuit of knowing God.

How Will We Be Measured
God will measure the ultimate success. He draws men, we only fish for them.

Target Results

Final Results

Target Results